Secrets you may not know in Surat Al-Baqarah

The first question is why is Surat Al-Baqarah called that?

Secondly, a question is: What are the topics related to Surat Al-Baqarah and cigarettes? I mean, God Almighty speaks about many topics in it. What is the relationship of all these topics to cigarettes?

Surah Al-Baqarah is one of the most objectionable Qur’anic surahs that the Orientalists criticized. They used to say that it is Surah 286, verse 49 pages. You do not know where you are coming out and where you are coming in.
Every little bit of text.

In fact, some of the scholars’ interpretation theories say that Surah Al-Baqarah has no connection between its verses, so it is a complete surah.
Another group of scholars appeared and responded to the orientalists, saying that there is no word in the Qur’an that has no wisdom.
Rather, every word has wisdom and is interconnected with others, because this is the word of our Lord, Glory be to Him.

The answer to the first question, which is the reason for the name, is that one of the children of Israel killed another person and they did not know who killed him. They went to our master Moses - in his capacity as the Prophet - and asked him who was killed, considering that he was definitely connected to God.

Our Lord responded to our master Moses with the command to slaughter the yellow cow, so they then responded, “Do you take us as a mockery?”

I mean, we tell you who killed the man, you tell us to slaughter a cow!

They continued to procrastinate, as was the custom of the Children of Israel, after they had slaughtered the cow. God commanded them to beat the killed person with the bone of the slaughtered yellow cow, and when they did that, the person rose after his death and said, “Who killed him?”
“So We said, ‘Strike him with some of it. Thus does God revive the dead and show you His signs...”

 Answer to the second question:

 In short, we will try to link the verses together in brief.
Surah Al-Baqarah, two parts.

  The first part consists of 3 stories of 3 caliphs on earth.
The first caliph is our master Adam
“I will place a caliph on earth.”
Our Lord gave him an obligation, and the result was that he disobeyed, then obeyed, and fulfilled 50% of the obligation. “And Adam disobeyed his Lord and went astray.”
The second caliph of the children of Israel
“And We have chosen them with knowledge over the worlds.”

Our Lord assigned them an obligation. The result was 0%. They did not sin against God unless they did it.

The third caliph, Ibrahim, peace be upon him: “I will make you a leader for the people.”
The result was 100% and he obeyed completely.

 The second part of Surat Al-Baqarah is full of rulings:
 The rulings on fasting, retaliation, the family, the prohibition of usury, and the rulings on debt and spending.
Our Lord, before He tells us the rulings, He tells us, “You will be the one among the three.”

 You will remain like Adam (obey and disobey).

 Nor is it like the children of Israel: “They said, ‘We listen and we disobey’.”

Nor are you completely obedient like Abraham.

That's why the first part contained the story of the three caliphs, and after that the second part included the rulings and legislation

And in the end, God Almighty says: “To God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and whether you reveal what is within yourselves.
When the verse was revealed, the Companions went to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and they cried and said, “O Messenger of God, we have been commanded to pray, fast, and pay zakat,” so we were patient and complied, because we were entrusted with what we can bear, but this is an obligation that we cannot bear.
Then the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Do not be like the children of Israel with Moses.

God's relief was revealed to them by saying, "God does not burden a soul unless it is sufficient for it, for it is what it has earned, and for it is what it has earned."
To conclude, the Companions pray to God in their words:
“Our Lord, do not hold us accountable if we forget or make a mistake.” That means, do not treat us, O Lord, like Adam. If we do something like him and forget the obligation or make a mistake, then you will expel us from Your Paradise.
 Insistence is something that is heavy on the soul, because our Lord said to them.
 (So repent to your Creator and kill yourselves.)

 You are our Master, so grant us victory over the disbelieving people.”

Pray for the Prophet after reading... ❤️


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